Friday, April 17, 2020

Triple Threat

Here is our final task.


Here is my CCR that I filmed. For this I had my mom and sister help me. This process took a total of two days. Me and my sister filmed the scenes on monday. I went back and looked at the footage later on to start editing. When I looked at the footage I realized that I had to refilm some of the scenes. By this time it was already dark so this extended the filming process. The next day we put on the same clothing and refilmed. This process took an hour. I had my mom film some of the over shoulder shots. My sister helped film some of the medium shots. To keep the camera still we used a tripod. The tripod was only supposed to be for cameras. I had to make the best of what I had during my time. I put rubber band around the phone and tripod. This ended up working very well and there was no problems with it. For the attire me and my sister wore semi-formal attire. I wore black work pants with a dress shirt and she wore a dress shirt with a skirt. I chose this attire for us because I wanted it to be in the form of a talk show. I knew from watching shows like Ellen that the attire is semi-formal which is why I leaned toward this. I added in music and sound affects to make it seem more like a talk show as well. Here is what it turned out looking like.


Here is our commercial that we did prior to our final task.

Music video

Here is our music video that we did before our final task.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Re-editing blog

On March 20th, 2020 we re-edited our film. Though it was very close to being done we had to add some final touches. One of the issues were the titles. We did not add all of the titles that were needed and were supposed to be in there. This was important because everything needed to be how it was supposed to be planned prior to actually executing. I am talking about the small PowerPoint that we made in which laid out how the titles would be seen. Another thing that had to be changed was the font. At first it was hard to read. Due to the fact that it was too small and not spaced out enough. We made some small adjustments and it looked better. The score was also having a bit of an issue. We wanted the score to be placed in a certain place so the song coincided with the film. This was very important because it is used as our sound effect. The whole score is something that you would probably hear in a comedy movie. So it has little jumps and sound affects in it. So for example, when Darren tripped we edited it to where there's a slight change in the tune to exaggerate him falling.  I went back and looked at our peer review sheet. We made sure that we had all of the requirements in the film. This was not done at school. This had to be done at home due to the COVID-19 issue that is still happening. Here’s a picture of what it looked like when I was re-editing the film.