Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research: different genres


The horror genre has been around since the late 1800's. The first horror film was released in 1896 by Le Manoir du Diable and was called "The Haunted Castle".

Birds eye or the high angle is often used; to make the object that is being looked down on seem powerless.
Tilted angle; adds dramatic tension to shots and could simplify a supernatural being.
Low angle; can show how powerful or scary the villain is. 
Tracking; connotes movement to show if someone is being followed or watched. 
Hand held; used to promote a sense of reality which makes the audience feel more involved.
Close up; used to see the reaction on actors faces and capture detail in an important scene.
Establishing shot; establishes the scary setting and can add suspense. 

C-Costumes are usually always involving normal attire as they are mostly all filmed around normal people in the real world.
L-Lighting varies throughout movies. It can range from red light, black and white lighting to dim lighting.
A- Actors in horror films are mostly always every day people with also supernatural beings included.
M- Makeup in horror films is makeup that will just help the actors appearance but isn't dramatic to where it stands out. There is also special effects however that can be used to show the injury's of people and enhance them to look supernatural.
P- Props used are usually nothing out of the ordinary, unless the film is centered around an object. For example, there's a movie that's centered about a music box that contains evil spirits
S- Setting depends on what the film is about. Normal settings count be a normal house or a old, worn down house that looks scary. 

Suspense plays a big role when editing horror movies. Editors often use extended uncut clips to grow suspense and make the audience wait longer for whats about to happen. Fast pace editing is used a lot to build suspense as well. Cutaway is used to show characters reactions to the situations they are facing. Smash cuts are  used to shock the audience in the change from loud to quiet. Jump cuts are used to allow the the passage of time to show. Fade outs are used to give a mysterious feeling. 

Elements of the horror genre would be tension. The whole point of horror films are to scare the audience or have them feeling tense by the time they leave. Elements also use supernatural beings to promote the feeling.

Get out, Hereditary, The Babadook, Psycho, The conjuring, IT, Jaws and The ring.

Sound often used in horror films are loud sounds which put the audience on edge, fast music which can help shock the audience, no sound whatsoever which creates an uneasy feeling and sound effects like footsteps, doors creaking and the wind are commonly used.

I am not the biggest fan of horror movies unless i'm watching it with multiple people. However, I can appreciate the suspense it makes audience feel and just the over all theme of some scary films are interesting. For example, IT. I like the whole theme of the movie and how it wasn't strictly scary, there was some funny points in there as well.

I have a problem with the sudden sound changes and the sound affects that are quick and loud. I just don’t like being scared.


High angle; To look down on a character
Low angle; To look up at a character
Tracking; Used to show the action in the film as it's happening
Establishing shot; To show where the movie will be taking place
Close-up; To show an important facial expression in the film

C- Costumes are a big part of fantasy movies. The costumes can range from tribal outfits to outfits that resemble wizards
L- Natural lighting and artificial lighting are both used and the movie can either be back lit, side lit or front lit
A- The actors are important too. There wont be just people in the films usually, there is most likely also mythical creatures
M- Special effects are used to make certain characters be known.
P- Props that are used depend on the movie. For example, in Harry Potter they have wands as props because the movie is based on magic
S- Setting also depends on what the movie is about. The settings aren't usually ordinary places

Editing techniques include the element of surprise. For example, in Jurassic Park, the director edits together shots of actors reactions before what their looking at is relieved. This creates a sense of suspense that is usually included in fantasy movies. Cross cutting is also used to create the same kind of suspense and allow the audience to follow important dialogue.

A common element of fantasy is excitement, being able to be taken away from this world and getting sucked into another. Another common element is the idea of far fetched things. For example, wizards and zombies.

Some examples include Harry Potter, Aladdin, Hellboy, Star wars and Black Panther.

Music in fantasy films is used to create the correct atmosphere and mood. The music signals what the scene is going to be about or what to expect. Sound affects are also big in fantasy films because props or action is usually in fantasy films. so the sound for the prop needs to be there to add a more dramatic effect.

I like that fantasy films makes you think outside of the box by adding all of these super powers and abilities characters can do in movies. Rather than it just being a normal movie with normal people in it.

I don't have any elements that I don't like from the fantasy genre.

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