Friday, January 17, 2020

Start of the final task

Hello, my name is Madison. I love fashion and anything that has to do with fashion. I’ve liked fashion since I was little. So, all I asked for for Christmas was a mini body form that I could make clothing on and sketch books where I could trace clothing on models. I am also a big fan of music. I don’t think I could live without it if I’m being completely honest. I like a huge variety of music from jazz from the 1930s from Louis Armstrong to older rap Biggie Smalls. I’m also a big fan of the Beatles because there music has so much variety and weirdness. The group I’m working with is Ashely, Darren, and Blake. All four of us have previously worked on a commercial together so we know each other. This was a short commercial that we filmed about the brand Nike.

 I’m excited to work with them again because we had a lot of fun filming the last commercial. So, I know we’re going to work together well. I’m also excited to produce a good beginning of a movie to show people. I’ve always been into movies and how they film them so I know I’m going to have a fun time throughout the process. I’m excited to use the different equipment and become more familiar with it. For our first project; the commercial, we used the cameras our school provided so if we use those again then I will gain more knowledge. Im looking forward to just a being able to hang out with my group. On of the group members owns a drone so I’m excited to use it as well depending on what we do. I’m also excited to experience new environments. Depending where we film I might go somewhere I’ve never been before.

Pitch 1: three or four teens wake up on a school day. The camera angles are mid shots. The two minute video will go through their morning before they go to school and the different activities that they do. Then at the end they will all call each other on the phone and it will become a four way split screen.

Pitch 2: a zombie apocalypse is occurring. Someone is laying on a table being injected with a syringe. The person all of the sudden wakes up. They have pale, gloomy eyes and pale skin. The person tried to eat the person that injected them and they take off running.

Pitch 3: a possessed doll movie. Someone goes up to a garage sale and sees a doll. They pick it up and buy it. They take it home and it starts moving around the house. They then start noticing that. Weird stuff starts happening like knives in weird places etc.

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