Monday, March 9, 2020

Filming blog: Ashley's house

Today is March the ninth, 2020. Today we reviewed our peer review sheet that our classmates used to grade our movie. We went over all of the things that we did wrong and could improve. I kept a mental note as well throughout the process of filming today. One of the things that our classmates said was that we needed better lighting. So, I made sure we had good lighting for the scenes that we filmed at Ashley’s house to avoid the same mistake again. I drove Ashley, Darren and I to her house. This was about a 15 minute drive so it wasn’t too bad. Once we got there we immediately started filming. We started at scene one; I filmed Ashley’s alarm clock. In her case it was her phone. We then kept on going through the scenes shooting one by one. I had some trouble making sure that I could get shots that showed the whole scene. This was essential to get the scene we planned on doing based on our story board. We filmed her scenes up until scene six. We only filmed up to scene six because after this the setting changes and we would have to move to a different location. We didn’t have time for this today so we would have to plan another day to film scenes seven through nine. After I was done filming her scenes we discussed when our next day to film would be. We decided that tomorrow would be our best bet. All of us were free for a few hours so I decided it would be better to just get it out of the way. So, tomorrow we will film scenes seven through nine. We will have to remember to bring the same pair of clothing that we had on for tomorrow’s filming. This picture is a snapshot of one of the scenes that I filmed today.

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